Write down or print your ref assignments or have access to them on your phone.
You are expected to be at the field 30 minutes before the game. We realize that may not be possible if you are changing fields, but please make every effort to get there a minimum of 15 minutes before the scheduled start. This pre-game time is needed to check players' equipment and cover all pre-game communication.
Equipment required for referees:
A pre-game discussion between the Center and his/her Assistants should always take place.
At the Rec level, it is STRONGLY recommended that the Center have a pre-game discussion with each team and the respective coach. Go over length of halves, substitutions and a brief discussion of what you expect from the players with regard to acceptable physical play sportsmanship.
Remember, it is part of our mission to educate and a short discussion of handball or offside will not only help them enjoy the game, but make your job easier also.
For information on how to report misconduct issues, please click HERE.
If there was a last minute change to your assignment, or if you were missing officials from a game, please be sure to report this to Sandra so that he/she can make adjustments and ensure that you (and others) are paid properly for the work completed.
Please Contact us at:
Phone: 478-714-9558
Email: askmaconsoccer@gmail.com
4510 Raley Rd, Macon, GA 31206
Office Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm.
Want to support Macon Soccer Club?
Your contributions help us continue to provide quality programs and facilities for our community.
To donate, you can send checks to PO Box 26483
Macon, GA 31221, click the Venmo link below or visit https://square.link/u/3PFwqVoC to donate online.
Thank you for your generosity!
Copyright Macon Soccer Club (2024 to Present) - All Rights Reserved