Macon Soccer Club utilizes Reftown to make its game assignments. Our account name is MSC. You can create an account at Reftown by going HERE and by viewing the video we have posted HERE, where our President walks you through how new users can join the MSC referee pool. If you have an existing Reftown account and wish to Register, please follow these instructions. Please note that you can be in a referee pool with multiple organizations and MSC does not require referees to work exclusively for our club. However, we would ask that you utilize Reftown’s “Cross-Organization Assignment-Based Availability” to avoid inadvertent double assigning.
Thank you for supporting out club and giving your time and effort to Macon Soccer Club. Our goal is to make sure that we as a club support your efforts and recognize the essential role you play in ensuring that all who participate at Macon Soccer Club (whether player, parent or coach) have a safe, fun experience learning and growing in the game of soccer. We appreciate your efforts whether you are a new referee learning a new skill or a seasoned veteran, and we hope that you will not hesitate to let us know how we can support you in your referee career. Our goal is to continue to grow the game of soccer in Middle Georgia and you are an essential part of that effort so if you are not growing as a referee, we are not growing as a soccer community.
To assist you in this process the club has a designated assigner, Sandra Barnhart. Sandra is not only an excellent referee having joined our community from Wisconsin, but she is a veteran having served in the U.S. Coast Guard. Additionally, she has extensive experience coaching at the middle and high school level. She brings a passion for soccer to our Middle Georgia community and her attention to detail will be invaluable to her role making sure you the games to which you are assigned are appropriate for your skill and experience level.
Sandra can be reached by email below or by phone at 206-499-4255. Sandra will be your primary resource with question about assignments, Reftown, ongoing assessments, and feedback. Other questions should be directed to our President, Todd Swanson at To report issues related to coach or spectator misbehavior, please contact our Director of Coaching, Adrian Juarez at If you wish to provide confidential feedback regarding coach of spectator behavior to Adrian, please use the “Incident Report” form in Reftown.
As noted above, MSC uses’s system to handle all assignments of games for all of its events (Recreational, Academy, and Select/SCCL). The key to a successful referee program and ensuring continued assignment of games is clear communication. So, please be sure that your availability is as up to date as possible and, if you are registered with multiple organizations, that you have set your availability accordingly. To that end, be sure that your communications preferences are set up in Reftown in a manner that will allow you to easily see offered assignments and respond to the same.
The goal is to have all referees booked for games at least 5 days in advance. Each club referee should set his or her availability at least weekly. Once you have been offered a game, you will have 24 hours to accept the game – in ability to access your account, failure to check your email or text messages, will not be considered a valid reason for failure to respond to questions, offers of assignments, or receive important game messages.
As any seasoned veteran referee will tell you, professionalism, in both appearance and manner, goes a long way to ensuring credibility and confidence in your abilities as a referee with players, coaches, and fans. To ensure such professionalism and preparedness, please view and follow the game day expectations linked here. Also outlined on this page are the equipment requirements for referees. These items can be purchased at a number of soccer and referee websites including, and We recommend a yellow referee jersey as your primary color as we avoid using that color for our Rec teams; please refrain from red or blue referee jerseys as those are the primary colors of our club. PLEASE WEAR YELLOW OR GREEN FOR A REFEREE JERSEY.
If you are refereeing Academy/SCCL/DPL/NPL/SCCL games, please wear a green jersey if possible, but have a backup jersey available in case of a color clash with the opposing team
Each league and age group have different rules, which can be viewed HERE. Additionally, Sandra will be able to answer any questions as to format. Finally, for Academy and Select games, MSC or AFC Middle GA coaches will be able to answer any game format questions.
Game Reports - Academy
For Academy, games, the center referee must complete a matchday report in Reftown (the system shoudl prompt you to complete this after the game). All red cards must be submitted to Sandra and Adrian within 24 hours.
Game Reports - Select
For SCCL, there is a gameday sheet that will be provided by the Team Managers or coaches for each team. This sheet must be completed by the Center Referee and signed by the Assistant Referees. Then signed by the coaches (Unless the match is so contentious than signing is impractical). The center should then take a picture of the sheet and then text of email it to Sandra. All red cards must be submitted to Sandra and Adrian within 24 hours. Then please select the Match Report on Reftown (the system should prompt you to complete this after the game).
The process for reporting various discipline issues varies depending upon the league, so please click here for specific instructions for each competition. Score reporting is done by team managers and so you have no obligation to report scores. For SCCL matches, there are various paperwork requirements that must be completed, which are explained in the Rules and How to Report Discipline Issue section.
Here are the rates that referees will be paid as of February 1, 2024.
U7 REC | 17 | N/A | N/A |
U8 REC | 17 | N/A | N/A |
U9 ACADEMY | 32 | N/A | 27 |
U10 REC | 32 | N/A | 27 |
U10 ACADEMY | 34 | N/A | 29 |
U11 ACADEMY | 46/37 | 24 | 40 |
U12 REC | 42/35 | 21 | 36 |
U12 ACADEMY | 49/41 | 26 | 44 |
COED REC | 58/46 | 28 | 49 |
U13 SCCL | 60/48 | 35 | N/A |
U14 SCCL | 60/52 | 35 | N/A |
U15 SCCL | 65/55 | 38 | N/A |
U16 SCCL | 70/60 | 40 | N/A |
U17 SCCL | 75/65 | 45 | N/A |
U19 SCCL | 78/64 | 45 | N/A |
Rec tournament matches are shortened matches and will pay out at approximately 60% of the above fee schedule.
Cancellation Policy
From time to time games need to be cancelled due to inclement weather and other scheduling issues. So that everyone’s expectations are clear, the following chart sets for how payment will be handled where a game is cancelled or a referee cannot cover a game for a given reason.
Reason for Closure | Officials Pay | Notes |
Game or complex closed by club with less than 24 hour notice NOT DUE TO WEATHER | 100% | Such cancellations will be communicated via the Sandra, but referees are encouraged to check the club website and playmetrics as well |
Game or complex closed by club with more than 24 hour notice NOT DUE TO WEATHER | 0% | |
Weather related closure with more than 2 hours notice | 0% | Weather related closures are closures of the venue and cancellation of games due to Excessive Rain, Snow or Heat |
Weather related closure with less than 2 hours notice | 100% | Weather related closures are closures of the venue and cancellation of games due to Excessive Rain, Snow or Heat |
Team No Show | 100% | |
Referee No Show with less than 24 hours notice | 0% | While emergencies arise, we need at least 24 hours notice, if possible. Failure to provide adequate notice of emergencies that prohibit you from covering a game you have accepted will be considered with respect to the offering of future assignments |
Please Contact us at:
Phone: 478-714-9558
4510 Raley Rd, Macon, GA 31206
Office Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm.
Want to support Macon Soccer Club?
Your contributions help us continue to provide quality programs and facilities for our community.
To donate, you can send checks to PO Box 26483
Macon, GA 31221, click the Venmo link below or visit to donate online.
Thank you for your generosity!
Copyright Macon Soccer Club (2024 to Present) - All Rights Reserved